Welcome to the World of AgentC Marketing!

Yours is a business with a future. You know it. You see. Your customers agree. But you’re struggling to verbalize your approach, redirect your branding, or create a fantastic website.

AgentC Marketing works with marketing companies and businesses to make brands synonymous with their industries.

You probably know me as

Sara Tyberg

brand strategy

To me, brand strategy and marketing is all about peeling away layers to get to the core.

I work with companies who rely on thought-out verbiage and careful explanations. Over the years, I’ve developed a reputation for clarity and strategy. One of my most useful tricks is taking a step back and seeing the full picture.

Formerly The Document Docs, AgentC Marketing gives you perspective on your company and translates concepts into tangible words.









marketing agency

Marketing agencies

What is

AgentC Marketing?


There’s no hidden agenda other than the problem you need solved. Your voice is the only one coming through; a point especially important for marketing companies.

AgentC Marketing is a dedicated copy + strategy agent working on your behalf.

AgentC Marketing


C is for copy, the core of everything done here. I’m the word person, itching to translate your message into words that will resonate with anyone reading it.

When the wording is clear, professional, on vibe, and punchy, you’re going to attract customers.

AgentC Marketing


Before diagnosing and creating a strategy, I analyze all components. My years of experience in collaborating with top creatives gives me a broad scope of effective marketing methods.

Get a complete plan for your marketing from someone who’s done it before.

AgentC Marketing


Take your company

closer to its goal!

PolyMaven brand book

Whether your brand is new or established, you may need to re-examine it from time to time. Sometimes it’s a slight tweak to your mission and goals, and sometimes it’s a thought-out plan covering all angles. Find your brand at the point where your company’s core meets your audience’s pain points. Walk away with a robust document that outlines a guide for your brand, both internal and external. Get clear direction for creating deliverables in line with your brand, so your messaging is consistent.

Brand Foundations

Competitive Insights and Positioning

Consumer Insights

Brand Messaging

Core Brand

Brand Recommendations
jelltell website

Take the time and effort to write your site with a website specialist; one who is trained in meeting your visitors at their levels of awareness. You don’t have the time to explain your offers to each prospect — let your website take that responsibility.

Maximize each section with a clear purpose and order, bringing visitors closer to conversion with each word. Choose between various packages, amount of pages, and level of design input.

Research + Brand Summary

Site map

Website copy

Testimonials + Customer surveys

Design collaboration

Project management

Performance follow-up

Are you facing a big decision in your company? Do you need a second pair of eyes to help solve a problem? Are sales low and you’re exploring changes? Approach every challenge with the input of an expert.

Spend one hour at a time delving into your business, identifying inefficiencies, or brainstorming solutions. You’re the boss, so use that hour as you see fit.

The experience is described by many as “Therapy for your brand.”

Book one consult at a time

Receive a summary and recording

Flesh out your ideas and perfect them

Create small deliverables on the spot

No long-term commitment
prime packaging

Whether print or digital, your marketing deliverables need copy that resonate with your target audience, promote your USP, and make you stand out from competitors. Set up a consult first or dive right in.

Preset prices for each deliverable speeds up the process dramatically. Choose your deliverable, and level of design input.

Marketing plans


Ad campaigns

LinkedIn profiles

Email packages

Naming + tagline

These are folks who
know what they’re talking about

Sara Tyberg did a stellar job on my website copy. She did all the heavy lifting, took point where I needed, and managed to make complex concepts approachable to a less informed audience. If you're looking for a copywriter who specializes in technology, I highly recommend reaching out.

Jonathan Adlerstein, Takuma Tech

I have had the pleasure of working with various copywriters, but none come close to Sara’s incredible talent. The way she crafts sentences and ideas is nothing short of impressive. Her ability to identify the core issues and extract valuable insights is remarkable. Her thought-provoking questions have led us to explore new perspectives and discover hidden opportunities, contributing significantly to our success.

Moshe Rosenberg, Dataphone

Sara is reliable, hardworking, and easy to deal with. She takes ownership and has a knack for tone. The best part - nothing scares her! Choose her for your most challenging projects, your clients will be impressed with her clarity, and so will you!

Rachel Grunbaum, Fluex Media

It’s obvious when working with Sara that you’re working with a professional. She is confident and knowledgeable when explaining even the most complex ideas to clients. Her thorough, clear style and sense of responsibility throughout the project was extremely impressive, as well as the scope of her research. Get Sara on board to take an overwhelming project to success!

Hindy Grunwald, GCNY

Working with Sara was absolutely amazing! The consultation was seamless, and she brought incredible clarity to the table. What impressed me most was how quickly she understood my needs - she just gets it! I can't recommend Sara highly enough - she's a true professional and a pleasure to work with.

Faigy Zimmerman
Certified Storybrand Guide

Sara Tyberg was a tremendous asset to our company during a span of a few months when we were in between copywriters. She wasn't just a team player, she always made us each look good in front of clients and at meetings. She has great marketing strategy and writes copy that is both engaging and persuasive.

Chaya Fischman, BrandRight

I haven’t met many people who understand brand identity and brand strategy quite like Sara. She is a real expert in the field and I am 100% confident she will be able to bring your branding to where it needs to be. If you need to understand your brand’s identity, which you must absolutely do if you want your marketing materials to be on point, I would highly recommend reaching out to her.

Shlomo Yachnes, MBA

Sara is assertive, experienced, and has an unmatched level of skill in strategy, copy writing, and marketing. Her brand strategies are perfectly on target and feel right to every customer. We’ve come to trust Sara’s advice and appreciate her exceptional clarity. She goes above and beyond to bring hard projects to a satisfactory conclusion, ensuring an enjoyable collaboration every single time!

Chaya, BP Print Group

A consistently

refined process

There’s so much to appreciate about AgentC Marketing’s setup. I’ve perfected the order of events, so you always know what to expect.

sounds good!

*This process is relevant to brand strategy, websites, and marketing deliverables. For the consult process, reach out.


Nice to meet you

We discuss the basics to make sure I’m the right person for your project. We sign a contract with clear terms to avoid miscommunication, and set a start date.


A world to discover

We get on a Discovery call with a prepared list of questions related to your specific deliverable and industry. You leave the call with clarity on upcoming steps.


Research! Copy! Action!

The gears begin moving as I start working on your project, including research, site map, brand summary, surveys for your customers, and more. At the end of the predetermined time, your copy is ready for review!


Wrapping up a good thing

Now’s the time for the live or recorded presentation. You get a chance to review and request revisions. If applicable, your project will proceed to design and/or development. If this is where our contract ends, I’ll collaborate with your design/dev team and fill in missing pieces as they come up.

Set your site on greater heights -

like these brands did

Why work with me?

A guarantee of Only Better

better experience

Better experience:

I’m passionate about making our collaboration an enjoyable one. I employ writers and assistants for tangential tasks, making a quicker turnaround possible.

better analysis


I know nothing about your brand yet, but one thing is for sure: If you’re in a viable market with a chance for success, you’ve got competition. Together we clarify your speciality, so you attract your people and repel the rest.

better results


With your input and the input of everyone involved, AgentC Marketing jumpstarts lasting ROI through research and experience. Take the first step to see if my skills are just what your business needs not just to survive, but to thrive.


Many copywriters shy away from overwhelming projects, but at AgentC Marketing those projects are the most desired. I believe that the most intimidating challenges yield the best outcomes.

“Sara has a talent of asking the right questions. Specific, direct, and makes you think.” - Z. Rosenthal, Cherry Software

“Innate creativity and an efficient work style.” - Nechy Sampson, Owl Copy

“Targeted solutions, not just pretty words.” - Chany Paskes, Chany Paskes Copy

“I know I can rely on her to bring a marketing project to the next level.” - Shloimy Freund, Hashtech Media

“Clear copy in place of hundreds of hours of explanation.” - Abe Bindiger, JellTel

“Sara’s strategy is with a clear and brilliant birds’-eye perspective.” - Esti Meisels, Code and Spade

"The first time I saw your copy, I knew I hit the jackpot." - Chumi Faibish, Cotique Media

Let’s do great things together!

Whenever you’re ready…

Thank you for contacting AgentC Marketing!
I respond to every prospect within a couple of hours.

Looking forward to hearing about your project,
—Sara Tyberg, AgentC Marketing
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AgentC Marketing background